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Beginning Unreal Engine 4 RPG Blueprint Game Design & Development Tutorial & ​Template for High Schools & Colleges

So you want to build your own RPG Game using the Unreal Game Engine 4? Our RPG Blueprints Template is a great way to learn how to build your own RPG Game. It comes with a pre-built stylistic dungeon (containing more than 35 individual assets). It uses highly modular assets which makes creating ​ your own RPG an easy task! It is completely done in Unreal Blueprints and it includes an introduction to some standard features you would expect from a beginning RPG Blueprint template.  Click here to see a sample chapter from this tutorial textbook.

Beginning (RPG) Role Playing Game Features:
  – UI / HUD System: Completely done in UMG.
  – Inventory System: Including looting system & different types of items like weapons, armor and items.
  – Character Stats: Set up attributes like strength, agility etc. Includes a XP-system with level ups.
  – Class system: Including a Main Menu / Starting Screen where you can select different classes/characters.
  – Animations: The system comes with a set of medieval animations for sword/shield combat.
  ​​​​- Enemies: Two different enemies (melee & ranged caster). Driven by configurable behavior trees.