THE DEVELOPER’S REFERENCE GUIDE TO MICROSOFT SMALL BASIC <Table of Contents> provides an extensive overview of the Small Basic programming environment. The guide consists of 25 chapters explaining (in simple, easy to follow terms) how to use Small Basic to build programs.
A complete review of the Small Basic language is provided. You learn about each Small Basic object. You learn about button and text box controls, using the mouse, graphics, shapes, images, timers, sounds and sequential file access. Both text and graphics window applications are discussed.<Sample Chapter>.
Over 100 programming examples are included<Example Screen Shots>. We discuss working with data files, input validation, date arithmetic, integer shuffling, simple animation, line, bar and pie charts, programming check box and radio button controls, turtle graphics, and ways to share your programs.
THE DEVELOPER’S REFERENCE GUIDE TO MICROSOFT SMALL BASIC is presented using over 500 pages of notes and includes the Small Basic source code for all the examples are included in a .zip file after textbook registration.
THE DEVELOPER’S REFERENCE GUIDE TO MICROSOFT SMALL BASIC requires Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Small Basic (Version 1.0 or higher).
What others have been saying about our Computer Programming Books and Tutorials:
“Phil Conrod has a passion for writing tutorials and books aimed at beginner programmers and he’s done an excellent job of covering all the fundamentals of Small Basic programming.”
“I Love it! The Developer’s Reference Guide to Microsoft Small Basic is big and heavy enough to hold itself open on my desk without flipping shut. It will also look good on my bookshelf. Your Small Basic books are great!”
“A must-have for teachers of an advanced course in Small Basic. Along with a companion volume (Beginning Microsoft Small Basic), The Developer’s Reference Guide To Microsoft Small Basic provides the necessary documentation for a teacher to develop a curriculum for teaching Small Basic to beginners, and it provides the detailed description of the language’s instructions and features that Microsoft forgot to write. It makes sense to consider two courses for learning and using Small Basic: introduction and advanced. The companion volume (Beginning Microsoft Small Basic) is a good resource for a beginning course, and this book is an excellent resource for an advanced course. I believe that this book is a necessary resource to anyone who wishes to write Small Basic programs. “
“The Developer’s Reference Guide to Microsoft Small Basic was extremely helpful! Well done, great examples.”
“The Developer’s Reference Guide to Small Basic is a must have for learning Small Basic programming”
“My son loved the books ever since he started reading the first chapter. He was very inquisitive, learning and understanding more about computer programming. He is 11 years and I am really excited he loves it so much…..thanks for making this books so easy to understand for the Kids. Its a MUST BUY!!!!!”
“I have had plenty of fun reading your books about programming for hours. They were clearly written and very understandable. I think your books are worth distributing in classes at schools to inspire kids, teachers and other people in their leisure, too. Your Small Basic and Visual Basic books are easily able to enthuse our kids during their lessons at school. Programming lessons can be so interesting, including those important aha moments, too.”